Sunday, April 20, 2008

Edition 4

Welcome to Edition 4 of Computer Badshah's Buzz!!!!!!!Today we are going to tell you the differnce between Mozzila Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer!!!!!!!!

The major differences that come to my mind immediately are:-- Firefox has tabbed browsing; IE just opens new windows-- Firefox has built-in pop-up blocking.Also, since IE comes automatically with most Windows installations, and because most people lack the [inclination/expertise] to switch to a non-IE browser, ~95% of PC users use IE. So whenever someone wants to write malicious code (spyware, virus, etc...), they will write it for the widest installed base. As a result, many bad things that happen on the 'net don't affect PCs browsing with Firefox. Most crackers usually find it not worth the hassle to find hidden flaws in 5% of PCs when you can easilly exploit the many publicly-known security holes in 95% of PCs.Relsqui : You are correct: I did leave out a lot. Would you care to elaborate beyond my answer, or merely post comments? You seem to have a longer list than I do, and thus may be able to answer better than I.As for Firefox being free, you are also correct. However, IE is also free, and it installs automatically with Windows. IE usually comes pre-installed from the factory! The AVERAGE person will just use whatever is easiest and least labor/brain-intensive. Double-clicking the IE icon Windows automatically puts on your desktop is a lot quicker and easier than bothering to learn about browsers (not everyone online is computer-savvy), obtaining, installing, and configuring Firefox, especially if you already feel you have an adequate web browser .

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